Tag You're It : The 11 Question Tag

Hello everyone. I have been T-T-T-T-T-A-A-A-G-G-G-E-E-E-D-D-D-D By the fellow blogger (and St.Lucian I should add :-) beautiful JoJo from JoJo's Beauty Guide. It's the 11 Question Tag. Hope it tells you a little more about me. Enjoy!!!


  • You must post these rules
  • Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog
  • Answer the questions the tagger has set for you in their post and create 11new questions for the people you tagged to answer
  • You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post
  • Go to their page and tell them you have linked him or her
  • No tag backs
  • No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this" You legitimately have to tag 11 people

JoJo's Questions and My Answers

Q1. What is your favourite snack?
Answer: I love fruit so i would have to say it would have to be a bowl of  firm sweet seedless grapes, or dried mango.

Q2. What is your favourite quote?
Answer: "Never Say Never"

Q3. Who is you all time celebrity crush?
Answer: Wentworth Miller. It's all in the eyes.

Q4. Your dream vacation would be?
Answer: Hawaii

Q5. If you were to win a million dollars, what would you do with it?
Answer: Buy a new house for my family, fly my mum to England, buy her a house, buy the in-laws an new house (making sure all the houses are in the same neighbourhood). Donate some to Charity. Save a substantial amount for Aston. Buy my first pair of Christian Louboutins. Start up my own company (something fashion oriented) These would be the first things I do with my million. 

Q6.Which do you prefer, Stilettos or Flats?
Answer: Sexy Stilettos 

Q7. Your main goal for the year is?
Answer: Grow my natural hair to shoulder length. Healthier hair

Q8. Favourite  make-up brand?
Answer: Sleek

Q9. Your must have product?
Answer: Body Moisturiser. Preferably Palmers Cocoa Butter

Q10. Do you have a pet If so what is his/her name?
Answer: Yes I have 2 dogs. One named Princess who is a Staffordshire and Dinky who is a Teacup Chihuahua

Q11. Any phobias?
Answer: None that I'm aware of.

My Tag Questions

1. If you were to change your name, what would you change it to?
2. What is your favourite spring 2012 trends?
3. Which one of the fashion cities would you want to live in? Paris? London? New York? Tokyo? Milan?
4. Bold or Neutral Makeup?
5. What is your favourite TV show?
6. What is your favourite flower?
7. Which celebrity inspires you?
8. If you had the opportunity to work with a world class designer, who would it be?
9. What is your worst fear?
10. What is your worst habit?
11. What is your must have accessory? 

TAG!!! You're It!

These ladies have amazing blogs by the way. Check them out :-)

Enjoy It!!!

Thanks For Dropping In :-)

Love Miss AfroDee xxx


  1. Great to learn some facts about you miss! Now following back, thanks for the sweet comment.


  2. Thanks for participating :) I am yet to try out Sleek products. Will be on my to do list :)


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